Monday, September 5, 2011

New Board of Directors

The ASA Elections are complete...and we have a new board of directors.

President: Massimo Conturso (CT)

Vice President East Region: Andrew Zunino (PA)
Vice President South Region: Tom Shirley (TN)
Vice President Midwest Region: Michael Tillman (MN)
Vice President West Region: Zach Walker (CO)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Future....

Well it is September 1st...a new Subbuteo season is upon us.... and what is the state of the game here in America? Well a quick look around shows that there are less people out there playing the game....Why? Well, seems to me that there are many reasons...none of which the STSL would like to delve into at the moment.

While the recent past has not been the brightest....seems a record low of tournaments, strangely only 48 players registered on the ASA Forum, tournaments taking place that do not seek ASA sanctioning, clubs splitting up and dedicated players exiting. This only names a few of the current struggles.

Well today the ASA has moved into the future. Paul Eyes's run as President of the ASA has come to a close. We thank Paul for all of his dedication and his passion for this little game. His love for flicking is evident and infectious. Hopefully we will see Paul on the other side of the pitch someday again. Matt Fox is honored to have played at the Hallowed Grounds of Paul's garage back in 2009 when Nationals were in Maryland.

Massimo Contruso's reign as President is now 19 hours old and will usher us into the future. It is going to be interesting to see how the ASA will travel into the future. The STSL has committed to getting together more once October role around, as a monthly meeting is in the works. The other thoughts are a little to pre-mature at the moment.

Suncoaster's stay tuned here as we watch it all unfold.